A few days ago, my sister Bridie was telling me about how she wanted to have a face/replaced picture of her own. I said I'd help her, just humoring her more than anything, but then she picked up this little picture of a dog that she had cut out of a magazine and, surprisingly enough, it turned out it looking pretty awesome! I mean, not exactly Chocolate Fudge Cake awesome, but still awesome enough for a Sunday Special ^_^
That dog looks like it knew it would be a facereplace when its picture was taken. He's so happy.
I also like how Bridie is acting along with the hand/paw effect.
this is my favorite one by far... awesome!, she picked a perfect replace and went along with the paws. Well done Bridie!
This is too cute.
haha tell bridie that she looks awsome here
not that she doesnt already look awsome with out the picture im just saying that the dog makes it look
ahhh i'll just shut up
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