So it seems that after having that break from the Internet last weekend, and not updating face/replaced during it, I've got myself into the habit of not updating it at all. To make up for this, obviously I'm going to be posting a picture here for every day that I missed, and I PROMISE to get the site back onto it's normal schedule starting tomorrow. Or else I will remove my own face. If you want to buy my face once it has been removed then it'll be on eBay, I'm sure I'd make for a great photo.
Sent in by Rebecca Friedrichs. It looks like she might have started eating this before she came up with the idea to use it to replace her face, but it still looks pretty cool, especially the glasses.
Sent in by Cate Anevski. Another apple here, fully intact this time, and so perfectly placed that it actually brings little tears to my eyes. This, right here, is the work of a face/replaced GOD.
Sent in by Anja Rudz. Sticking to the apple theme here obviously, *ehem*. If I'm honest, I wanted to go and have a search through some archived emails to find another decent apple, but I caved when I saw this. It was just too pretty to not show it you guys as soon as I possibly could.