16 December 2008

Popped Balloon

Sent in by Oana Pavel. Obviously, because you can still see most of her head, it isn't the best face/replaced picture in terms of composition, but I think the fact that there is WATER FLOATING IN FRONT OF HER FACE means we can overlook that. So cool ^_^


  1. It's more like epic mediocre, because you can see the majority of her head...

  2. Lets be fair though, the site is called FACE/Replaced, not HEAD/Replaced.

  3. That's pretty freakin' hawt. With serioussss talent. Like woah.

  4. O WOW
    This has to be my favorite F/R yet!

  5. Okay, seriously, it's called FACE replaced. Not HEAD replaced. Okay, so you can see her hair, big fucking deal. Anyone who argues with that is just fussy.

    EPIC win. Favorite so far.

  6. i totally agree with Ralphie Cellmate89, to own that camera would be insane.
    This is my favourite Face Replaced!
    i don't think there will be one to beat it!

  7. omg thanks so much for posting it... and I agree with them.. I mean it is face replaced and you cannot see my face. thanks everybody!! *blushes*

  8. oh, and the camera was Canon 350D Digital.. it' not that extraordinary, unless you know what to do with it... i just set it on multishot! thanks again!

  9. I really really love this one.
    A great idea and almost perfect composition.


  10. this is one of the best I have seen so far. And it's true it's called face replaced not head replaced. Awesome job!

  11. Gahh! I've been overcome by a mob of people who will accept the aforementioned mediocre...

    But I will yield!!!

  12. Well, it is called FACE replaced, not HEAD replaced, so I don't really see an issue.

  13. Must have taken rather a lot of takes!

  14. I know loads of people have already said this, but what the hell :
    FACE you know the thing ON your head?! If it was HEAD replaced then you would be right.

    Sheesh some people are so picky!

    Definate win, well done you must have been uber talented to take this *claps*

  15. thanks, Ruby Bishop... I didn't get WET for nothing!!

  16. Waaait. I thought it was called Face Replaced. Not HEAD replaced. ...?
    i'm confused.

  17. This is a great picture, and if i read another comment saying about it being called 'FACE replaced' i may have to throw my laptop in a canal. i don't live near a canal, i've never even SEEN a canal, but i will send it to one, special delivery.
    A win, almost definately (:

  18. I still smell a bit of fail around here...
